Welcome to Salty Dawgs Music

The Dawgs are busy learning new songs and refining old ones for the 2023 Season. We will be performing (and maybe howling at the moon) in a number of different locations around Surprise, Sun City West in the coming months. For details please click on our “DATES” page and while you’re there check out where we will be showing up in February through May – WOOF WOOF!

4 thoughts on “Welcome to Salty Dawgs Music

  1. My wife, Judy and I attended your concert yesterday afternoon and we wanted you to know very we enjoyed. The weather was great; the locale pleasant; and music was fantastic.


  2. We saw your concert at Lord of Life Church and thoroughly enjoyed it. Took me back to the 60-70s a time of love and protests for peace. You bring back the Kingston trio and New Christy minstrels. Thanks may you continue to remind us we need to work for peace just as much today.

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